Monday, September 12, 2011

Tiny tidbit of cuteness

 Mathew tends to talk A LOT.  He often rambles and sometimes I must admit that I do not totally listen to what he has to every once in awhile he starts to get all stressed and shouts when there is something really important that we didn’t hear him talking about that he needed us to hear.  We were heading out from an amazing dinner at margaritaville towards our truck.  Jason and I were talking to each other and then Mattie was getting really upset.  I stopped and asked him to clam down and tell me his sad three year old voice “Mommy there is a big truck in that spot”
Me:  “That’s ok he needs to park”
Mattie: “But that’s nanna’s spot and now she won’t have a place to park”
Me: realizing what the heck he was talking about, nana is my grandmother (who is in a wheelchair) and he is pointing at the handicapped spot.  My answer to Mathew “Oh Mathew that’s okay, perhaps that person needs the spot too and anyways I don’t think Nana will need to park in Panama City Beach since she lives 31 hours away in North Bay”
Mattie: "Oh but I will find Nana a spot if she get's here soon then, tell her not to worry"
Me: "Thanks Mattie ??!??"

1 comment:

  1. I love that the boys love Grandma so much, I'm sure they're what keep her so young!!! :)
