Monday, March 3, 2014


Sometimes you just sit back and realize how truly lucky you are.  For me this happened last night.  These last few weeks of Jason being gone have been dragging and by far the hardest out of the entire time.  The boys are anxious for his return and the days seem to be dragging by.  The three little guys have been behaving great but I think it's just being in the final leg that makes it the hardest.  The one thing that causes me anxiety when there is just one adult in the house is getting sick.....when I start to feel sickness coming on I worry about the baby....the bigger boys can look after themselves somewhat if I need to lie down for an hour or two but the baby can't.  Last week I was under the weather and it made me realize just how great the friends I have made here truly are and how thankful I should be for them.  I had friends volunteering to come over if things got worse, friends dropping off homemade bread, friends having me for dinner, friends dropping off cake pops, friends having coffee with me and friends just getting me out of the house to enjoy time with the boys.  I am soo very lucky to have such good friends....we may not have been friends for a long time but these friends are dear to me and have become good friends very quickly.  I really appreciate these great friendships I have at this current posting and at all our past postings.  I want all my dear friends to realize just how much I value them! These acts of kindness that my friends have shown me I intend to pay them forward!

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.  ~Douglas Pagels


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