Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hockey Season

Annnnd so it begins.  Hockey season officially kicked off for us last month.  Of course the boys have been having a fantastic time!  They have been excited each week about going so it's nice to see them thrilled to get back out on the ice.  The arena that is super close to our house is undergoing renovations for another 2 months so we need to drive to the arena that is 30-40 minutes away (depending on route GPS takes you on and weather hahaha) so extra early.  We had a brief parents meeting during their first practice.  They were just laying out how the different levels will work, practices games etc.  When you sign them up, you commit to 2 practices a week but it is crazy when they compile the numbers for the entire season together...... so they said the boys will have between 50-60 practices this year plus any ice time they can try and pick up for the team, plus games, plus tournaments etc.  When you lay it all out like that, seems like a big commitment. Oh well they love it.  Jason was as excited as they were I think.  He really likes that their sports are actually starting to become competitive instead of learning the basic skills.  I better start looking for a nice seat cushion to enjoy my sitting time at the rink. I foresee many many hours in the next decade being rink side!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stepping Up

On my night stand you can find books of all sorts.  They are the ones I am currently reading or will be reading next.  There's always an assortment of books for fun, parenting books, education books etc.  I came in my room today to find Joshua trying to catch up on some light reading......oh the irony....perhaps he knows he will need to step up soon and start pulling his own share in the house :)

Note the book title.....I guess he figures he might as well read it himself and cut me out as the middle man hahaha.... by the looks of the next picture it must be working.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lego Extravaganza

Ugghhh... Lego's Lego's everywhere.  I love that the boys love Lego but man are those pieces small and always in the weirdest places.  We have been working on storage solutions for their Lego's.  We have come up with an ikea shelf that has individual drawers for different types of Lego sets ie Super Heroes, Star Wars etc.  Also a few months ago, we installed shelves in Mathew's room so that the boys can keep their pre-assembled sets together. The one's that they like to take down to play with but don't want to break.  We still use the lego table that their pepere bought them a few birthday's ago.  It has compartments underneath that store lot's of the random Lego pieces......

and ...and ....and 

the project the boys have been working on with Jason lately; the Lego man storage.  We turned this little project into a learning activity for them again.  They worked with Jason drawing out the plans for the shelf, compiling lists of supplies, purchasing the supplies and then cutting and assembling the actual Lego man storage.  This weekend it was finally hung up on the wall for the boys to sit in awe and just talk and discuss all the different Lego men.  Who knew there were so many different types hahaha.  Mathew, who loves organization, loves to just sit and reorganize the order the little Lego dudes stand order by genre, power etc. 

Oh boys and their Lego's.