Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lego Extravaganza

Ugghhh... Lego's Lego's everywhere.  I love that the boys love Lego but man are those pieces small and always in the weirdest places.  We have been working on storage solutions for their Lego's.  We have come up with an ikea shelf that has individual drawers for different types of Lego sets ie Super Heroes, Star Wars etc.  Also a few months ago, we installed shelves in Mathew's room so that the boys can keep their pre-assembled sets together. The one's that they like to take down to play with but don't want to break.  We still use the lego table that their pepere bought them a few birthday's ago.  It has compartments underneath that store lot's of the random Lego pieces......

and ...and ....and 

the project the boys have been working on with Jason lately; the Lego man storage.  We turned this little project into a learning activity for them again.  They worked with Jason drawing out the plans for the shelf, compiling lists of supplies, purchasing the supplies and then cutting and assembling the actual Lego man storage.  This weekend it was finally hung up on the wall for the boys to sit in awe and just talk and discuss all the different Lego men.  Who knew there were so many different types hahaha.  Mathew, who loves organization, loves to just sit and reorganize the order the little Lego dudes stand order by genre, power etc. 

Oh boys and their Lego's.

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