Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Adventures

This summer is here and we are embracing it!  We have many days poolside already and have a long list of summer vacations/adventures we are planning.  After having spent our entire time in Europe travelling we made a vow that we would embrace what Canada/the states had to offer when we returned home.  We have started planning for a big road trip this summer eeekk!  Over coffee one evening, Jason and I were discussing that we should also embrace what our local area has to offer….and so we have set out to explore new and exciting things our own area has to offer as well.  As the saying goes “You need to appreciate what you have in your own backyard”. 
Many of the things we have started putting on our list are things that we already often do around the area but now we will list them as local summer adventures.  Things seem to just have a different spin on them when you call them an adventure instead of an outing.  Our first and one of our favourite spots to frequent in the evenings would be the Green Store.  It’s a local store that is full of neat trinkets and decorations but our favourite part is the ice cream.  It has a little area in the back (right on the lakeside) that serves scoops of ice cream. 

The waffle cones are made while you stand there (mm delicious!) Zachary’s favourite is Tiger Tiger and Mathew’s is chocolate brownie.  Every time we go we sit on the muskoka chairs and watch the boat’s come and go. 

A little swing on the rope swing and a walk around the docks makes it a perfect outing. 

          Fun where you least expect it! 

Next time you head out in your town take a second look and make sure you are not missing any adventures !

What are your favorite mini summer adventures?

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    We love the museum here in North Bay, oh and the Nutty Chocolatier for their "Sunday Scoop" deals!
