Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Future Summer Adventures

Another great aspect of the 3 year old stage is that they are learning that things are coming up in the future.  They are learning to anticipate activities and get excited talking about things they want to do.  This year they also got Fishing Rods for Easter so they were excited for Jason to take them fishing.  They talked about who will get the bigger fish, what bait they will use and even what voice would attract the fish better (here fishie fishie fishie....). 

Last weekend was the big fishing day out for the boys.  They spent the entire day together and loved every minute of it. 

Here are picture's of them getting their equipment ready.

They actually caught lot's of fish and are excited to tell anyone who will listen about it.  They caught fish this big.....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hurry Up Summer

Summer has been taking forever to arrive this year.  It keeps teasing us.  It will be super hot for a few days then cold again (I mean coats and pants cold) argh!!  Anyways, I was going through pictures from last summer on the weekend and it made me excited for the upcoming season!  Here's a picture from last year of Mathew taking Auntie for a spin!

Mattie still loves his truck....but man does he ever look older looking in just one year :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The circus again!!

This week ANOTHER circus came to town.  Crazy, we don't have any for years and then two in one year!  Jason was in town for this one so we decided to take the kids again.  This one was the shrinner's circus and let me tell you it was way way way cheaper for tickets.  We had a coupon for buy one ticket get one free and kids 3 and under are $20 dollars for our whole family to go woohoo!  The acts were not as extravagant as the other circus but the clowns had the kids laughing at all their acts.
Cotton candy AGAIN!!  I think Zach loves the circus just for the food!

Last circus we offered them to go on the camels or the elephants but there was no interest at all.  This time the lines were much shorter and Mathew asked to go.  So up he went all by himself......Zach wanted nothing to do with it! 

A picture of Mathew waiting his turn to ride the elephant!

 They sure packed them on tight for his ride.
Mathew is third from the front.  Zachary loved waving at him and kept yelling "mommy take his picture."  Zachary says next time he thinks he will try :) 

My favorite part of the circus.  The giant elephants just make me smile and I'm happy the kids get to put the size of the elephants into perspective.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Everyday Giggles

This was earlier this week on the way to daycare.  Daycare asked for them to wear bucket hats to protect their necks from the sun, but Zach is sooo attached to his blue gap baseball cap that this is the only way he would go to daycare the first day.  Ahh a little battle I sure didn't want to take on.  It did make all the kids at daycare giggle when he got there and he was happy about that!

Same day......this shirt describes Mattie perfectly!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Party Time again!

Well last friday the girls from work came over for a baby shower and a wedding shower (they were for two separate people hahaha).  It turned out to be sooo much fun.  Lot's of laughs!  It's nice to see people outside  of work!
 I absolutely love having gatherings.  I love using special dishes, food prep and just the overall decorations and personalizations.  I decided to include special homemade presents this time.  I spent many hours making a quilt as the wedding shower gift.  I love how the colours turned out and love how all the different patterns tied together.

I used the same material on the back but decided to add a little extra pattern to it so the quilt can easily be used both ways.  The intention was for this quilt to be used outside on a deck that overlooks the lake.  All the colours and patterns just make me so happy that I thought it would be the perfect thing to warm someone up to watch the sunset!

Next I made a tutu.  Having two boys I have never made anything like this before and can't believe how nice it turned out.  It was exactly as I had envisoned it.  I made it with an elastic with button holes so that it can easily be adjusted to fit the new baby girl as she grows. 

I decorated martini glasses again with pink punch because I loved how they turned out last time!  The punch was a hit again!  Maybe next party I will try a new colour of punch, ribbon and rimmer !

I had trouble coming up with prizes for the party...then thought of this.  I painted flower pots and put rub on stickers on them that all had baby girl sayings.

Everyone got to take one home with them.  The intention was that every time they looked at it this summer they would think of the new baby girl :)

I had a great time and can't wait until my next gathering!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A week that flew by!

Our flowers have been planted and our herbs and seeds are starting to grow J  It’s finally been nice enough to use our clothesline (or clothes lion as the boys pronounce it J ).  Here’s a picture to remember the important things that we hang with care on our line! 
Last week was North Bay’s military appreciation day.  It means a little extra to the families who are in the airforce and it’s so nice to see everyone’s support.  We watched the parade and of course the airshow.  It’s great to see these experiences in a new light with the kids.  They were having a great time yelling and pointing whenever they spotted the planes in the sky!  Thank you to my husband and all the other military out there who serve and protect our country!  A special thanks to all our American military friends who are serving here in a country which is foreign to them J

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Catch up

Life has been a whirl wind lately.  I have not had a chance to just sit down and blog.  I wish I could because there seems like so many things have happened lately. 
The circus came a few weeks ago.  My mom treated the boys and I (Jason was away).  We had a great time.  This circus had not only elephants and lions but also camels, zebra’s and a mountain goat.  The clowns were a big hit with the boys but I think their favourite part was the snow cones, cotton candy and popcorn.


                        Who doesn't love cotton candy!

All three are mesmorized by the show!

Later that same week the midway came.  I wish it would have been spread out a bit more but this time Jason was able to join us.  Again it was just a great outing.  The boys walked through it and we explained how the games worked and let them watch.  We also let them look at all the rides and pick out which ones they wanted to go on. 


They decided to play the fish pond and chose a few rides and of course picked out another bag of cotton candy as their treat! 

There was a giant slide that they could only ride if Jason and I took them.  Let me tell you….they all had fun except me….that thing was scary! 

That's a picture of their big honking bag of cotton candy!   Almost the size of Mathew!!