Sunday, July 3, 2011


Well our gymnastics season officially finished last week.  The twins have been doing gymnastics for a few months and both Jason and I are both utterly surprised by how much they love it.  I knew they would love the running, jumping, going a bit crazy component but who would have guessed that they would get so excited about the balance beam and bars etc.  They had a great teacher and their entire group got along really well together.  Last week they were pleading with us to sign them up when it starts again (this fall).  They both passed a level so I am excited that they will be acquiering new skills in the fall.  We were laughing as we read the back of their report cards last night.  They each had a long paragraph but Mathew's main sentence was "He has no fear when it comes to learning new skills."  Zachary's read "He is a great listener and always follows directions."  I think this describes them perfectly!  The original reason we signed them up for the course was because it would be their first course that was not parent and tot.  Their swimming, skating etc classes always requeired a parent to participate.  This was their first class that they were over 3 when we registered them so they could do it just with the teacher.  They listen pretty well overall but this time it was the first time they followed instruction/directions from someone that they did not know at all with no parent/daycare help.....and they loved it!  Guess we are ready for school!

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