Pre-kids Jason and I travelled all the time. We moved to Europe literally one week after we got married and travelled as much as we could until the twins came. Our travelling slowed down but we definitely still travelled our fair share with two infants. When we moved back to Canada, our travel came to a screeching halt. We moved into a brand new house.....we finished the basement.....Jason went on course for almost 4 months......we finished the backyard...etc. etc. We did a lot of travel around Ontario but not any real "big" trips. Jason and I went away to Mexico to attend my cousin's wedding in December......and we realized just how much we have missed travelling. We have been watching the TV show departures......for anyone who loves travel it's a show about two Canadians who travel around the world. I love it....inspires me to see more of the world and experience more cultures. We have dusted our book "1000 places to see before you die" off our shelf and often skim through the dog eared pages. I have started my "travel wish list" again. Before moving to Europe, Jason and I both physically wrote a list of places that we both wanted to visit the most while we were there. We then compared the two lists and places that were ranked high on both lists became our next travel destinations. We work with goals in mind........with a everyday life I find that if we don't physically make lists and set goals the days quickly pass by and before we know it a month/season or even year has passed with making it to any of the travel destinations we have planned on going. If anyone out there has suggestions of places they have been that they loved we would love to hear about it and maybe add them to our list :) one of trips to take the family on this year is DisneyWorld. As I start making lists of what to bring I cannot believe how much our packing has changed in such a short time. Pre kids....we would often just take a carry on and hop on flights without even checking a bag......and then the twins.......oh wow....there were play pens.....bottles.....diapers.....millions of clothes.....hahaha Making this new list is bittersweet, we still need a stroller and clothes....but the diapers, bottles, playpens are all long gone. I guess we aren't travelling with the babies anymore.....but boy it's a lot lighter to travel with toddlers.
Flashback....this is a picture of us after the twins first trip back to Canada and their first flight. After 28 hours of travel we made it to the North Bay airport safe and sound. Overall the trip went way better then we could have expected....24 diaper changes......1 poop explosion on mommy's shirt.....18 bottles that needed to be made and warmed.....but we only had less then 5 minutes total of crying woohooo :)
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