Let's start with the basic...of course it was the first time they say what they refer to as "the mickey mouse castle". Yeah technically it's called the Cinderella castle but hey if calling it the mickey mouse castle makes the boys happy that's what we go with :)
It was the first time that the twins met their super heroes.....Mattie was so excited he was speechless.....and for anyone who knows Mathew, we know that doesn't happen often.
It was the first time the boys ever participated in hula lessons.....and as this picture shows...the first time they have ever participated in a race where you push a coconut with a broom. (Not something we can do in the north often especially during the winter because we don't have palm trees and the 6 feet of snow would get in the way hahaha)
Not only did we realize that the boys would sit through an entire meal at a restaurant, we learned that they actually enjoy it now....yiipppeee more evenings out for dinner now :) They ate everything that we were served everywhere and loved it! Who would have known that the boys are more proficient at eating with chopsticks than mommy is :)
It was their first time to use 3-D glasses. Let me tell you perhaps I am totally out of the loop because I have not been to 3-D movies for quite some time but wow has Disney outdone themselves in this area. During this particular big movie water squirts out at you, the bugs try to exterminate you with some type of smoke and they pretend to let bugs loose in the theater and there are things that feel like bugs moving along the back and bottom of your seat. This is also a warning to anyone who is going to Disney....this one is quite scary hahahaha :)
Awwww, so cute. It looks like they had a blast.