Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to normal

Wow it’s been way too long!  Things at our house have been hectic to say the least.  A lot of ups and downs in the last month but finally our house has returned to normal….or as “normal” as it ever is!  Our family has been really able to enjoy some great family time lately.  As the weather warms up I think there will be even more opportunities in the near future. 

So I’ll start with a few little catch up posts!

The boy’s attended a friend’s birthday party a week ago.  It was at Creative Learning here in town and they had an absolute blast.  It was the first time that we didn’t really know the parents but they just ran off and had a great time.  They did tons of crafts, activities and even came home with their faces painted.  This was shocking to us because they don’t typically like face painting.  We have painted on each other’s faces at home before but every time we are at an event they ask to pass on the face painting.  Mathew came home as our little tiger

and Zachary was Spot the dog.  He preferred to be called spot until the minute the makeup came off.

It was neat seeing the boys interact with some friends that they had made only through school.  Lot's of their other school friends they also know through activities or playdates.  It was the cutest thing ever when the little brithday girl came over to give them huge hugs.  The look of joy on their faces was enough to make my day!

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