Thursday, May 19, 2011

Things I hope they learn as they start school!

Well yesterday was bittersweet.  The boys had their orientation for junior kindergarden.  We tried out different learning style stations and even got to ride the school bus.  Overall, they are super excited to go but you can still see the apprehension sometimes.  They just seem so little to me but they are ready for school.  They love their daycare but they are ready to be more challenged now.  The world can be a big scary place so I’m hoping they have a great experience and most of all grow as strong individuals.  Some of my hopes for things they will learn:
-          That even though the world can seem big and scary, embrace that and learn that there are great things to be discovered
-          To be respectful of other people
-          To be nice to people even if others are being mean. 
-          To stand up for what they know is right
-          That their brother is there as a support and they should look out for each other
-          That sharing and being a kind person will allow you to enjoy life more
-          To embrace new experiences
-          To be confident in what they do and learn
-          To remember the things they have been taught at home and take them out into the world
-          That people will like you for exactly who you are, and be proud of it!
-          Never be ashamed to ask for help, the more you ask the more you learn!
-          Knowledge is power, I know that sounds cliché but the more you know the more doors open for you in your life!
-          That silly times with new friends sure brightens your day
-          That home will always be your safe place to fall back on and talk about all the new things this world has to offer you!

I know this is a long list but as I read it....and re-read it.....I realize that all these lessons we can start to learn very early on in life. 

To the kind and husband and I are sharing these two gorgeous, smart, kind, caring, loving, fantastic little people.  I just know the rest of the world will love them as much as we do :)

To my two baby boys.....embrace all the new experiences and don't be afraid to take whatever path in life you want! 

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