This has been something I have been thinking about for a few weeks now. Are boys just born knowing guy stuff? How does a three year old know to laugh when his brother burps? It’s crazy that boys just love typical boy things and they seem to pick it up more and more. We have no guns in our house, not that we have done this purposely just up until now they have not really been an age appropriate gift for the boys and yet they have recently started making guns out of every toy they can imagine. Just yesterday Thomas the train was the new gun of choice for hunting down bad guys. Where do they learn this stuff? They recently played with a nerf gun at a friend’s house and have become obsessed talking about how they want one for their birthday. I know they have other friend’s who they play with who are teaching them this stuff, it’s just amazing to see how much they truly enjoy the stereotypical boy stuff. Another example is spiderman. We have never watched a spiderman show, we don’t normally talk about spiderman in our house and yet they are in love with him. They talk about him every time we are out shopping and pretend to spray their nets on each other when they play tag. This mommy who only had one sister is totally not up to speed with all this “boy” stuff.
It's cute to see them developing their interests right now though. After our ice fishing this winter they can't stop talking about going fishing again. They talk about how they want to get a fishing rod and catch big fish. They want to go down the fishing isles at every store possible and see all the fishing gear. Jason is in his glory browsing those isles and this mommy again has learned more then I thought I ever would about fishing. Perhaps that is why we were blessed with boys....because there is an entire world out there comprised of dinosaurs, dragons, spaceships and more that I didn't know about :)
Yup it all comes natural to them. We have friends with boys who are very anti gun. But I grew up with two brothers who shot me all the time and they are great Cameron use to make guns out of lego.
ReplyDeleteHave you watched where the wild things are? It's been said that all mother's of boy should watch it so they have a better understanding of boys
No I haven't seen that movie.....I have read the kids book called it the right thing I am thinking of or something different?
ReplyDeleteI get reamed on my blog every time I mention "boy stuff" by the girl moms who say their girls are boyish. But for reals, having two boys in the house, they just seem to KNOW how to be boys!!
ReplyDeleteI agree, when I had my daughter and my friend had a son at the same time and she would use the excuse "He's just a boy" when he would hit or push or yell I thought to myself, "It's just the way you are raising him". I bought my daughter cars and building blocks and lego, but she wanted to play with the dolls and tea sets. Then I had my first son and the fun began. It IS genetic. I raised all three (I had a second boy) the same and the girl-boy differences emerged on their own anyways!
ReplyDeletehahaha we try and expose the boys to as much as we can. They do love to bake and decorate cupcakes with me. We have tonnes of toys here, many were bought specifically so that they would be exposed to toys of both genders. They just can't get enough of their cars and tractors. They sleep with tractors in their beds! I just find boys like to play in a different manner. When their girl friends play tractors with them they pretend the tractors are talking, when they boys play they race them and crash them. Jason and I do believe a lot of how they act is how we raise them but we have also made sure that we parent them appropriate to their active style. We know they love to be on the go and busy so if there is something (like church) that we take them to where we know they have to sit and try and be quiet we make sure to burn off a lot of their energy first :)