Monday, February 6, 2012


Every once in awhile it's nice to look back at how small they were  not so long ago.  Small in size.....but they have always been huge in spunk and personality!  Here's some pictures of little Mattie from almost two years ago.....he looks older....I'm not sure he's that much bigger...and his personality has sure remained the same!!
Still cracks me did he think up this stuff??

The rubber boots that had to go EVERYWHERE with him!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Taking in a Hockey Game

The Royal Military College's hockey team came to town to play against the local Nipissing University Lakers this past weekend.  The Military Family Resource Centre had purchased tickets for military families to attend.  Our family had an absolute blast sitting in the crowd of fans dressed in red and military uniforms.  We filled up an entire section of the arena.  We discovered that little Mathew is a sports nut.  He watches the game intently and yells at the players.  He jumps and screams at plays and goals.  It's crazy....I didn't even know he really knew what they were doing but he was right into it.  Zachary on the other hand was more into entertaining the crowd.  Every time the music came on he was a dancing machine and doing moves I had never seen him do before....inclduing playing an air trumpet.  Where do they learn these things!! hahahaha  We stayed out way past their bedtime but they were so into it we didn't have the heart to leave before overtime was done.  We cheered, we laughed and we all had fun.  Perhaps we should attend the games more often!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Oh no.....cold bug has landed!

The cold bug has landed at our house.  Last Christmas the cold bug had struck hard.  The boys both had bronchitis and we all had fevers.  Then on Christmas eve my ear drum ruptured from the infection......and I was out for most of Christmas.  So I was extremely happy to report that no one was sick at our house over the holidays this year.  We got to enjoy all of our time off instead of recuperating from illness.  We thought the cold bug had missed us this year......but it seems to have snuck into our house last night.  Mathew went to bed with a little cough and a tiny runny nose and woke up with a barking cough, sunken eyes, lethargic and the chills.  Poor little guy missed school today but doesn’t seem to be doing much better yet L  Zachary reassured him that he would let him know if they learned any new songs at school today.  I guess that’s another pro for having your twin in your class.  Let’s hope these cold germs only make a quick stop at our house and get out of here quick!!  Tonight the humidifier is going on and Lysol wipes are going to be cleaning the house!!